Thank You, Blatch
Blatch joined the Home in 1995 as a member of the care staff and has been a wonderful mentor and ‘aunty’ to many staff over the years. Unfortunately, in June 2019 ongoing problems with her back meant that she was unable to continue as a carer and she tendered her resignation; but instead of accepting this, Nic offered her a position in our activities department assisting with residents’ and day visitors’ activities.
All the staff say how friendly and helpful she was to them when they first started at the Home. Blatch will do anything for anyone. She loves to bring in treats for everyone and even brought one of our staff a cooked Fray Bentos steak pie for lunch when he was tied to the lighthouse at the Castle Emplacement dressed as a gorilla many years ago (don’t ask!). You can see why she is affectionately known as ‘the feeder’.
She has been a dedicated supporter of the Home and its ethos and the residents have a deep respect for her. As well as helping out at many of our fundraisers over the years, she has also always organised the annual Grand National Sweepstake, she enjoys playing canasta with day visitors and residents and is somewhat of an expert euchre player.
Sadly at the end of May this year we said au revoir (but not goodbye) to Blatch after 26 years’ loyal service. She was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers by Rob Shepherd at our Summer Pancakes fundraiser, a farewell card and gift vouchers from residents, staff and day visitors.
Happily for us, Blatch hasn’t left us completely. She will continue as a volunteer, in particular joining the residents and day visitors who play Canasta on Tuesdays and helping out at fundraising events. As Ann says: “I’m not leaving completely; it’s just another page in the book. The Cheshire Home is like a family. It is a unique place.” And it is people like Blatch who make it ‘like a family’.

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