Skipton International sign up for The Final Hour!
Thanks to the Skipton International Staff for signing up to donate their final hour of their salary.
Each year we need to raise £600,000 to keep our doors open and the Final Hour appeal is one of our major fundraisers.
The idea is simple – we encourage everyone to give the Final Hour of the 2020 salary and, to make it simpler, we encourage employers to make it possible through their payroll.
Skipton International were one of the first to reply.
“We’re really pleased to be one of the first to sign up to this scheme,” said Annette Wales, HR and Office Manager. “The work done by all at the Cheshire Home is magnificent and our staff were more than keen to donate to such a worthy cause.”
Home manager Nic Mountain explains Final Hour is a small gesture that could have a huge impact.
‘Without the home, the options for a fulfilling life for those living with disability would be very limited,’ he said.
‘The Final Hour is one of those things where a small individual act replicated many times has an enormous collective impact.
‘Fundraising is always a challenge, but this year has been particularly testing with most fundraisers cancelled, I thank people in advance of their kindness’
visit our page to donate
If you are an employer you can arrange a Payroll payment directly to the Home’s account by contacting Karen at the Home.
Use our Final Hour Calculator on our website to work out your final hour wage you can of course donate more if you wish.

Help us to create a better world for people with a disability in Guernsey