Bathing pools Visit
Yesterday some of our residents visited the recently reopened Bathing Pools. We were all blown away by the facilities, and how accessible they are.
Community Lead for Vive La Vallette, Helen Bonner Morgan was inspired to get involved in the Bathing Pools project to realise a dream of making the location more accessible to all islanders. Helen previously worked at the Cheshire Home and used to visit the Aquarium with Angela, and was left disheartened that Angela who is a wheelchair user was unable to have a drink, or enjoy the bathing pools.
Yesterday, Angela did enjoy a drink, and was able to use the lift to enjoy the stunning views from upstairs across Havelet and the Little Russell.
Congratulations, and thank you to everyone behind Vive La Vallette, and those who have given generously to bring the vision to fruition.
Thank you Helen for hosting us. We can’t wait to visit again, and bring along the other residents.
On Sunday, we are holding the Sunrise dip at the Pools raising money for the Home.
Tea’s & Coffee’s will be served after the dip, with donations going to Vive La Vallette. Helping them to continue to invest in the facilities, surrounding area and community focused initiatives.
The Sunrise Dip is kindly sponsored by Leonard Curtis.