Jan 2016 / Doreen Homer nominated for 2016 Unsung hero award
Doreen Homer, who runs our shop on the Bridge was recently nominated for the Specsavers Unsung Hero award at the 2015 Awards for Achievement. Despite having her own ailments to deal with, she catches two buses every day from her home, to open the shop up at 8.30 am which she has been running for many years.
She is also a carer for her husband, who doesn’t enjoy good health. Doreen consistently offers a cheery welcome to customers, often taking the time to listen to others’ problems and concerns, which she sees as part of the job. Doreen puts her own worries aside to ensure that the shop opens every day to raise what money it can for the Home as she feels it is such a worthy cause. She also assists people in real need of the most basic items, such as clothing and shoes. ‘Doreen is a truly dedicated fundraiser for the Cheshire Home and the shop in particular would be lost without her,’ said Roy McGregor, Acting Chairman.