‘Cobo’ Collage
During this Arts for Impact led project, every element was carefully considered and handmade by the residents, day visitors, volunteers and the Home’s ‘family’ across the Summer of 2020 when lockdown eased.
The project is a great opportunity for everyone to meaningfully connect with one another and their own innate creativity; something much needed after a very difficult year. It’s a really popular and stimulating initiative and we’re already excited about what we’re going to make during 2021!
This artwork particularly resonates as Cobo is the site of the Boxing Day swim. Since the creation of this annual project we’ve been delighted a discerning buyer has come forward after seeing the artwork displayed at an Art for Guernsey exhibition. Covid 19 restrictions has delayed those exciting exhibitions so the piece is still available to buy. It’s really very beautiful and an amazing conversation topic for any home, office or public space. If you’re interested in owning the piece and supporting this valuable, annual initiative, please contact Helen Bonner-Morgan at Arts for Impact for more information helenbmafi@gmail.com or 07781 451472.

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