Mar 2016 / We’re in the swim

The Guernsey Cheshire Home received a welcome donation just in time for Christmas thanks to the efforts and generosity of swimmers who took part in the 39th annual Skipton Swimarathon. On behalf of the 1,790 swimmers who took to the water during the five-day event in October, organisers handed over a cheque for £25,000.

Nic Mountain, the Home’s Head of Care said: ‘A big thanks thanks to the Skipton Swimarathon, we are very grateful to the organisers and everyone who took part or made a donation. Our own residents were keen to support this event as many are regular swimmers and took the plunge in the company of Roger Alsopp amongst others.’

Steve Hogg, Chairman of the Skipton Swimarathon, said: ‘We’re delighted to make this donation to The Guernsey Cheshire Home following the success of the Swimarathon this year. This community event brings people of all ages together and builds each year to enable us to make significant financial contributions to support local charities.  Thanks must go to Skipton International for their continued support, and of course to everyone who swam or donated to make this a
record-breaking year.’